Archive | April, 2012

Work outfit for a rainy day

29 Apr

Regular readers of my blog will know I’ve been on a mission to find tall pregnancy jeans for quite a while. And, it would seem, like buses, once one arrives, they just keep on coming.

My latest find is a pretty fabulous pair of jeggings from Zara (I know, don’t panic, I had the fear initially!). They’re available in a few different colours, stretchy with an elastic waist and, even more excitedly, you can buy them right now at the bargain price of £19.99.

Considering the turn of events with the weather they’ve been perfect for wearing for work on cold, wet winter days along with my knee high boots and a long shirt.

tall pregnancy outfit

Wearing: shirt, Gap; jeans, Zara; boots, Schuler & Sons at Anthropologie

I’ve also taken to wearing them with some great jumpers I picked up in Topshop recently. The jumper here is from their maternity range but jumpers from the tall range also do the job perfectly (I couldn’t really pick any difference between the two).

Maternity jumperShop: jumper, Topshop

And, as the sun doesn’t appear to be coming out any time soon, looks like the jeggings could prove to be quite useful for the next few months!

Little Pea Green

Nursery decorating ideas

22 Apr

I’ve been searching through my collection of interiors magazines for ideas for the nursery this past few weeks. I don’t want to follow the norm and go for the usual girly, pink and white nursery but I’m keen to give the place I imagine I might be spending quite a lot of time some interest and personality.

Elle Decoration has come up trumps with a review of the rather fabulous book – The Homemade Home for Children. 50 thrift and chic projects for creative parents by Sania Pell. One quick order with Amazon and the book has just landed at home getting my brain cells whirring away.

Of course I’m realistic enough to know that our house is going to change massively when Little Pea arrives but Sania’s book showcases some great projects which I’m sure I’ll be proud to show off.

From these very cute building blocks…..

Nursery ideas

to this vintage card garland…..

Nursery ideas

…most of the projects use materials that can be sourced pretty cheaply. You just need a bit of time and creativity to get started.

The book also includes projects which could also help while away a cold, wet English afternoon when Little Pea is a little older including this bookcase dollshouse….

Nursery ideas

…to these treasure jars…

Nursery ideas

And, when the sun does eventually come out, there is a rather fabulous clothes line playhouse for us to create together…

Nursery ideas

The books covers projects for a nursery and bedroom, ideas for play, to wear, for storage and outside and usefully there are tons of templates in the back of the book to make life even easier.

Think my first stop is to try and source some vintage cards from a flea market or car boot and, keep pinning ideas on my Children’s Rooms pinterest board. Would love you to follow me – I’m coming across some great ideas.

Homemade Home is published by Cico Books and retails for £16.99.

Little Pea Green

P.S: Just discovered that Liberty are holding a launch of Homemade Home this Thursday (26 April) between 2-5pm. The author, Sania Pell will be signing copies of the book and you’ll also have the opportunity to try out some homemade home projects. Unfortunately it’s too far away for me but, if you’re in London, RSVP to to book your place. You can find out more on the CICO Books blog or Sania’s site.

Isabella Oliver. The saviour of tall, pregnant women everywhere

17 Apr

Anyone that has read my previous post on the challenges of being tall and pregnant will appreciate I’ve been on a mission to find well-fitting, long, skinny jeans that I can wear throughout my pregnancy.

Many of the usual suspects, Topshop, Gap, Asos etc don’t seem to combine the benefits of their maternity and tall ranges and the jeans that I have found have been shapeless enough to fit both me, Little Pea and Mr G in! So, as skinny denims are a mainstay of my wardrobe for work I’ve been making do with that damn elastic band and long shirts and tshirts to cover up the bump.

But, fear not, the famous maternity clothing range from Isabella Oliver has come to the rescue. To be honest I’d not sought their range out before as I’d assumed they wouldn’t have a tall option but, guess what, their jeans range is 34 inch central!

maternity jeans
Admittedly, at £99 their Bardot jeans aren’t the cheapest I’ve ever bought but working on the premise that I’ll probably wear them 3-4 times a week, at least, cost per wear should prove to be pretty minimal.

And, when the order arrived it was wrapped in such lovely packaging – I know, I’m a sucker for pretty things – but every little touchpoint is an opportunity for positive brand engagement right?!

maternity jeans

maternity jeans

maternity jeans

The only problem is that again, clever Isabella Oliver also included the latest edition of their catalogue which has some great pieces in. Thankfully, to make another purchase a bit easier on the wallet they also sent an Isabella Oliver discount code which is valid until next month (31 May 2012).

And, because I’ve always been taught to share – here it is for you to take advantage of too – may the purchasing begin – 15LOYAL

Love Disney? Then you’ll love these modern poster designs

10 Apr

If you’re into film, theatre, music or fashion and haven’t come across TQS Magazine you’re missing a fair treat. Run by my pal Jamie McHale (twitter: @jamie_mchale) they’ve been getting quite a bit of press recently for featuring these beautiful Disney poster designs from graphic designer Rowan Stocks-Moore (twitter: @rowansm).

Admittedly the Bambi and the Lion King posters might be a bit too scary but I did think the others posters would make a great addition to a children’s bedroom – the detail is amazing. And, the good news is that after all the requests he’s been getting, Rowan has taken the hint and set up an etsy shop (live today) so you can purchase any of the prints at the bargain price of £12.96.

All prints are numbered, limited edition and at 12×17 (30.3 cm x 42.6 cm) are perfect for framing or wall-mounting.

All I’m waiting for now is for Rowan to start selling his classic book cover series – how wonderful would this The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe print be?

Disney posters

Little Pea Green x

All images reproduced with the kind permission of TQS Magazine and Rowan Stocks Moore.

Easter craft projects

7 Apr

Little Pea is a little too small (!) to start bothering about crafts just yet but, I’ve seen loads of great ideas on Pinterest and Twitter this week which I thought were worth sharing. Sure you’ve been inundated with crafts from playgroup and school but, I’m working on the premise that any more suggestions to help keep your little ones occupied over the holidays is always most welcome.

Easy bunny candy pouch

This was the craft that initially got me started on this post. Absolutely brilliant blog find at mermag giving step-by-step details (including template download) on how to make this bunny candy pouch. Great as a gift, table decoration or general party bag favour and although it might take a little more patience than some of the other crafts on this post it will certainly impress.










Handprint chicks and bunnies

I had to search around a little bit for this one as the original pinterest image I saw didn’t have much detail behind it but, found a great post by Sarahndipities on handprint chicks and bunnies. All you need are a few stamp pads in different colours, paper or card, pens and little fingers and thumbs and, tadah! Brilliant Easter cards, postcards or posters.

Easter crafts







Edible Easter crafts

The craft guru that is Martha Stewart has ‘how-to’s’ for making some great rice crispie birds and marshmellow bunnies.  Not sure how long they’ll last before they’re all gobbled up but really simple and easy to make with some simple store cupboard ingredients.









One for the grown-ups

And, just so I’m not leaving the grown-ups out these Cheesecake-Filled Chocolate Easter Eggs from raspberri cupcakes should keep everyone happy. Supposedly they’re childs-play – they’re made from shop bought hollow chocolate eggs and you just need to add the fun stuff al la Cadburys Creme Egg. I’ve yet to have a go to confirm but can imagine anyone receiving them as an Easter gift would be pretty impressed.











Happy Easter holidays all.

Little Pea Green x

Introducing the very cute Frugi baby range

4 Apr

When we found out that Little Pea was going to be a little lady I immediately had the fear that we were going to be inundated with pink fluffy clothes. You know the ones – baby pink, insipid outfits with “I love my mummy” prints on rather than the bright, fun and funky clothes you can find for little boys.

Now I appreciate we don’t want to turn them into a mini-me but, considering I don’t have one item of pink clothing in my wardrobe (it’s just not my thing) I was immediately on a mission to find something girly, cute, yet funky to start building up the little one’s wardrobe.

After quite a few false starts I’ve come across the wonderful Frugi baby range in one of my local boutiques and thankfully they have a range from birth to 6 years old.

To be honest I don’t usually buy clothes just because they’re organic but, there is no hiding the quality (and softness) of the cotton and, the fact that the people who make the clothes get a fair salary for their hard work, makes the purchase even better. My first buy was the rainbow spot babygrow which has an extremely cool print, is fully poppered and has integral scratch mitts. Baby clothesBaby clothes

Admittedly, at c£16-18 a pop, the babygrows are a little pricier than your multi-packs in Mothercare but, definitely a worthwhile treat purchase. And, they also have some fab items for when Little Pea is a bit older – happy days.

Children's clothes

Girls clothes

Little Pea Green x