Tag Archives: maternity jeggings

Work outfit for a rainy day

29 Apr

Regular readers of my blog will know I’ve been on a mission to find tall pregnancy jeans for quite a while. And, it would seem, like buses, once one arrives, they just keep on coming.

My latest find is a pretty fabulous pair of jeggings from Zara (I know, don’t panic, I had the fear initially!). They’re available in a few different colours, stretchy with an elastic waist and, even more excitedly, you can buy them right now at the bargain price of £19.99.

Considering the turn of events with the weather they’ve been perfect for wearing for work on cold, wet winter days along with my knee high boots and a long shirt.

tall pregnancy outfit

Wearing: shirt, Gap; jeans, Zara; boots, Schuler & Sons at Anthropologie

I’ve also taken to wearing them with some great jumpers I picked up in Topshop recently. The jumper here is from their maternity range but jumpers from the tall range also do the job perfectly (I couldn’t really pick any difference between the two).

Maternity jumperShop: jumper, Topshop

And, as the sun doesn’t appear to be coming out any time soon, looks like the jeggings could prove to be quite useful for the next few months!

Little Pea Green