Tag Archives: booking in appointment

The first appointment (of many) – my booking-in appointment with the midwife

12 Mar Clearblue Pregnancy Test

Wasn’t sure where to start with my second blog post – arrrghhh, I’ve discovered I’m pregnant. What the hell happens next? Who should I call? etc but I figured everyone finds themselves in a totally different situation so, thought it best to jump ahead to the first experience that will be the same for us all – the booking-in appointment.

If you’re anything like me your first question: what the hell is a booking-in appointment and what on earth does it involve?

Well, it’s a pretty straight-forward and if I’m totally honest underwhelming event. It needs to happen within 10 weeks of being pregnant and usually takes place at your local doctor’s surgery. Be warned though, midwife appointments get booked up weeks in advance so, make sure you ring up as soon as you can.

It was the first time I met my midwife so, as the advice went, I tried to be as honest and upfront as possible both in my answers to her questions and the questions I wanted to ask her (family and friends gave me a list!).  I’m presuming every appointment differs to an extent but, typically we’ll all be asked :

  • The date of our last period
  • Details of family history to identify any hereditary illnesses
  • All abour our lifestyles – including whether we smoke, how much we typically drink, history of drug taking etc

…which all go towards building a pregnancy profile and identifying the best route for pre-natal care.

My midwife was also interested in the same information for my partner so, if they’re around and available I’d always recommend they come with you – so much easier! I was also booked in for my first screening tests and, it seems to have been the start of many a round of blood tests.

Obviously I don’t profess to be the oracle (BabyCentre has a pretty comprehensive list of the questions and tons of details on your booking-in appointment but disappointingly, no trumpet chorus this time round.

We’re not the first and certainly not the last to be bringing a little person into the world.

Little Pea Green x